Dashboard: Gain Deeper Insights into Your Emotions

Welcome to the Dashboard tab of Emotelligence’s Insight page. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive view of your emotional journey, presented in easy-to-understand charts and graphs. Our Dashboard empowers you to gain deeper insights into your emotions and emotional patterns, allowing you to make informed decisions on your path to emotional well-being.

Mood Frequency Chart

Visualize the frequency of each emotion you’ve experienced over time. This chart provides a snapshot of your emotional landscape, highlighting the emotions that have dominated your month.

Proportion Pie Chart

Get a clear understanding of the overall balance of your emotions for the month. This pie chart illustrates the proportion of each emotion, offering valuable insights into your emotional state

Mood per Day Chart

Explore how your emotions fluctuate throughout the week. This chart breaks down your emotional experiences by weekdays, helping you identify patterns and triggers.


  • Self-Reflection: The Dashboard encourages self-reflection by presenting your emotions in a visual format. Understanding your emotional patterns is the first step toward improving your mental well-being.

  • Informed Decision-Making: Armed with insights from the Dashboard, you can make informed decisions to enhance your emotional health. Identify areas where you can focus your efforts for positive change.

  • Track Progress: Monitor your emotional progress over time. Celebrate your successes and proactively address areas that may need improvement.